As some parts of the world gingerly try to get back to business and pressure on economies are being eased, what will it mean for brands that have been adapting to the changes that the pandemic forced upon us? For instance, will consumers’ pent-up desire for leisure and travel promise better days ahead? Will new e-commerce and eating habits forged during this period, such as increase in the sales of meal kits and increase in at-home eating even as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted bring in, see new models of retail? And with lingering job and health worries, will consumers continue to focus on value, nutrition, and health? Join The Drum and Braze panel to explore the the brand behaviours that’ve been created throughout the early part of this pandemic and set a precedent for other businesses to follow. And how brands can drive brand humanity, create new opportunities that fuel growth, and accelerate ROI.
Key themes: • What brands are doing now to adapt to the changes? • Driving humanity through personalisation • Practical models for success • What brands are doing now to deal with rise of necessity? • What lessons can be learnt? • How businesses have to change and in what ways should they stay the same
2020 will see huge changes to our society, economy and undoubtedly our industry but our outlook is far from gloomy, the Can Do Festival represents the positive energy, innovation and creative thinking that makes the marketing community such a powerful force for good.
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