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A Creative Disruption festival from The Drum

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Helping marketers make better decisions is The Drum’s mission. We are now offering those who have something to say and something to teach our readers the opportunity to self-publish to the marketing community globally via membership of our Open Mic platform. In this session The Drum’s CEO Diane Young, explains how the platform works and how you can join. This is particularly useful for PR and comms people in agencies, tech companies, media companies and brands who can produce insightful content in a variety of formats and who want to reach marketers globally.


Diane Young
chief executive officer, The Drum

From CMO to CEO Insights and advice from president and CEO of Rémy Cointreau Americas, Ian McLernon



  • Sonoo Singh, associate editor, The Drum
  • Ian McLernon, president and ceo, Remy Cointreau, Americas
In partnership with Ebiquity

Prediction Series: The future of pitching virtually

Best Practice Marketing


  • Charlotte McEleny, deputy and Asia Pacific editor, The Drum
  • Leela Nair, managing director sea, Ebiquity
In partnership with Adform

What marketers need from adtech in lockdown



  • Peter Markey, chief marketing officer, TSB
  • John McCarthy, reporter, The Drum
  • Philip Acton, country manager UK and Benelux, Adform
In partnership with Yext

No wrong answers: flattening the misinformation curve



  • Gordon Young, editor-in-chief, co-founder, The Drum
  • Jon Buss, managing director - UK & Northern Europe, Yext

Positive Energy, Innovation and Creative Thinking

2020 will see huge changes to our society, economy and undoubtedly our industry but our outlook is far from gloomy, the Can Do Festival represents the positive energy, innovation and creative thinking that makes the marketing community such a powerful force for good.
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