If you worry that your account-based marketing investment is not generating the ROI you expected then you are not alone. To shed light on why many organizations have not built the enterprise-class ABM program they envisioned The Drum has joined forces with MRP to discuss the most common pitfalls that organizations fall into. They include insufficient data management, over-reliance on vanity measurements, and a failure to execute customer insights fast enough. This online event will also delve into the best practice, fresh thinking and advanced technology currently being deployed by leading brands to build ROI and stay ahead of their competitors
Connected TV’s momentum is undeniable. After gaining significant traction in the U.S., CTV is now proliferating throughout Europe—with half of UK households now streaming. Roku’s... read more
Gaming is a lot more than shoot ‘em ups for young boys, but how much does the good and the great of the industry really know about this essential digital marketing channel? The... read more
Social media is a powerful marketing channel but it can be a transformative ally for businesses having to work at the speed of culture, technology and ever-changing consumer expectations.... read more
5G technology has been on the horizon for some time now but what will that mean for consumers, and therefore marketers, when it hits the mainstream? In this session, Siok Hoon Gan,... read more
Join head of content, Cameron Clarke & special guests as she reveals the winners of The Drum Awards for Content 2020.
read moreWith demand for content higher than ever, Universal Production Music is developing technological advancements to make it easier for advertisers to find the track they need. Voice... read more
Businesses and agencies alike have been pivoting into e-commerce—because they had to. Now that we have adapted, what’s next? Where are new revenue streams? What hard-knocks lessons... read more
From China to the world, almost any major brand has a strategy for sales on 11.11. What started as Singles Day is now the world’s biggest online shopping day. Chris Tung, CMO at... read more