
By Amy Houston, Senior Reporter

December 17, 2024 | 1 min read


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The study had zero bias and minimal arm-twisting, with 96.744% of participants choosing oat milk with absolutely no persuasion. Promise.

This year, Oatly is leaning into the age-old tradition of leaving milk and cookies out for Santa Claus with its holiday spot, but there is a twist. What if Santa is lactose intolerant? Or more sustainability-minded? Maybe the poor guy doesn’t want to drink cow’s milk, has anyone ever asked him?

To settle the matter, the dairy-alternative brand went straight to the source, gathering 31 professional Santas in one place for a taste test.

Faced with an enticing table featuring Oatly and a tower of croquembouche, the Santas couldn’t help but be drawn in while ignoring the distinctly average-looking table with regular milk and cookies.

The spot was made in-house and will appear on social media and in cinemas.

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