Agencies Agency Models

Dentsu’s strong H1 falls flat in Q3, but there are some interesting things coming in 2025


By Barry Dudley, Director

November 14, 2024 | 4 min read


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The numbers were looking good for the agency network halfway through 2024, but has it managed to keep momentum moving in the right direction? Our number-cruncher, Barry Dudley of Green Square, suggests not.

Dentsu's Q3 results show a slowdown, but big plans for 2025

At the half-year point, I sensed that momentum may be picking up at Dentsu. Unfortunately, the Q3 results don’t seem to show this, with just 0.3% organic growth in net revenue and the guidance for the full year being moved down to “circa 0%” from 1%. But this does mean two quarters of (marginal) growth, following declines in the previous five quarters, so it’s at least momentum in the right direction.

Japan, Dentsu’s biggest market by far, saw “solid” organic growth (2.8%) driven by double-digit growth in internet media. EMEA was up a healthy 6.9%, but this was largely down to the comparative quarter in 2023 being hit by a “one-off negative impact.” Americas, its second biggest market, was down 3.1% and “the situation in APAC remains severe,” declining 11.6%, with ‘difficult market conditions” in Australia a key factor.

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Hiroshi Igarashi, president and global CEO at Dentsu, said: “We have seen notable global new wins in the quarter, higher pitch win rates in Japan and the steady accumulation of net wins in the media business in international markets, which is the result of our continued effort to deliver Integrated Growth Solutions. These are examples that prove the implementation of One Dentsu is affecting positive changes within our organization.

“Over the last nine months, we have made internal investments around data and technology, people and culture and business operations to accelerate our competitiveness.”

Undoubtedly, some of that technology investment would have been in AI, although AI was not referenced once in the whole of the press release and only three times in the 52 page Earnings Presentation. But I did find this comment: “Creative won a significant global pitch in Q3 where we were able to demonstrate synergies with Tag, especially on creativity and efficiency.” Synergies and creativity are not traditionally the best of bedfellows, but perhaps it’s that pesky AI at work…

Dentsu’s next Mid-Term Management Plan is set to be announced in February 2025 and it says that “under One Dentsu [it] will achieve growth that outperforms the global market by 2027” and “the plan will cover specific business strategies to recover competitiveness.”

Sounds like one hell of a plan. Looking forward to reading that.

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