FlexiSpot: Technology furniture

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With advanced design and technology, FlexiSpot makes furniture as seamless, sturdy, and eco-conscious as homey and comfortable. We promoted FlexiSpot standing desks that can be upped and downed with one button and stay stable.

Platform: YouTube | TA: Male 25-35 | Categories: DIY, Tech, Vlogs | Geo: Germany


Raise brand awareness

Top performer


Platform: YouTubeTop | Views32.5K | Clicks480 | CTR1.5% | ER9%

Campaign results

  • Innovative Mechanics

We crafted unique mechanics and technical briefs for a natural product showcase. Influencers demonstrated desk' daily use, some of them unboxed the desk, achieving high engagement rates and click-through numbers.

  • Seamless Ad Integration

Our strategy ensured a native blend of ads into videos. Comment analysis indicates predominantly neutral and positive audience reactions, confirming effective integration.

  • Timely Campaign Execution 

We successfully executed the campaign within the planned timeline, including the signing process and desk delivery to creators, ensuring an efficient campaign rollout.

  • Total views: 144K+
  • Total clicks: 865
  • Likes: 6.9K
  • Comments: 425
  • ER: 5.12%
  • CTR: 0.61%

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