Take Splat KPIs

#TeamKetchup WON!: 55%
55,000,000 Impressions
947,000 Engagements
1,207 Total influencer posts
2,600,000 Filter users & Insta story shares
This means war.
Lockdown offered the opportunity for many of us to take a step back. We contemplated our life choices, re-evaluated the decisions that lead us here and asked ourselves deep life-changing questions we usually don’t have the time to even consider…
Ketchup or Mayo?
One of Nintendo Switch’s flagship titles ‘Splatoon 2’ announced it was re-running its most popular ‘Splatfest’ competition – an interactive 48hr battle between Team Ketchup and Team Mayo. Kairos Media’s challenge? To bring the battle to the masses & reclaim the throne for #teamketchup.
“When you believe in something as passionately as Kairos do Ketchup, you’ll do anything to win. Even if it means turning around a global campaign in 72 hours.”
At Kairos Media, we already understood the conversation that needed to happen for #TeamKetchup to reclaim their glory. Our strategy was to utilise this hashtag in an authentic and humorous manner, resonating with the gaming audience and stripping away the corporate tone that many may associate with Heinz.
One of our biggest challenges was the quick turnaround for the campaign. Our success came down to our real time Whatsapp control room… but hey, don’t hear it from us, keep scrollin’ to see the client quote… we’re pretty proud.
Saucy people support #TeamKetchup.
We targeted macro influencers and fan-powered communities to amplify and highlight our core message across Twitter and Instagram. We employed ‘swipe-up’ stories and implemented a bespoke AR filter to target the Millennial and Gen Z demographic.
Partnering with top gaming influencers and the most engaged fan-communities, these well-known and trusted voices then delivered our campaign message in 3 steps:
The Rally Cry
Filter Showcase
Filter engagement
We’re gunna need a bigger bottle.
Kairos Media reclaimed the condiment throne by successfully integrating Heinz into the gaming community & the results were incredible. We proved that with the right strategy, execution and some cut through killer content that’s contextual to the platform it lives on…any brand can enter the gaming space.
Easy, peasy, Ketchup, squeezy.