Time is precious, so find out how to use it more wisely in 2020
How do we spend our time at work? And are the ways we’re working together actually working? Constant emails, message notifications, unexpected meetings.

Research from Sapio Research on behalf of Asana has found that over half (60%) of office hours are spent on ‘work about work'.
The creative industries are in the grip of a cultural pandemic: ‘work about work’ – the tasks and meetings that should be used to optimise and streamline working habits – is getting in the way of meeting the real objectives. Research from Sapio Research on behalf of Asana has found that well over half (60%) of office hours are spent on ‘work about work’. At a time when the demands on creative industry workers already far outstrips their resources, that can lead to missed targets and all the stress and hassle that comes along with that: fully 75% of creatives have suffered from burnout in the last six months.
This special Drumcast, in partnership with work management solutions provider Asana, will examine the Anatomy of Work in order to determine how best the issue of ‘work about work’ can be addressed and improved.
Asana’s head of global community Joshua Zerkel will take you through the research, pulling out insights from individual countries and sectors, and will offer solutions to a phenomenon that is putting the brakes on productivity in our industry.
For instance, while many of us instinctively know that many hours spent in meetings are wasted, it might come as a surprise that workers unnecessarily spend over five hours per week distracted by notifications and switching between apps.
You can watch the full DrumCast here.
Download the free Anatomy of Work Index whitepaper from Asana.
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