What does 2020 have in store for marketers? Find out at The Drum Predictions event
With 2020 fast approaching, marketers are readying themselves for not only a new year, but a new decade too. The Drum will be hosting its annual predictions breakfast on 21 January to give UK marketers the low down on the next big trends they can expect to see in 2020.

Gaze into the crystal ball with The Drum
There will be a packed list of guest speakers sharing their insight and predictions for the 2020s, with marketers from Hootsuite, Mention Me, Bidstack and Quantcast among those present during the morning’s panel sessions moderated by The Drum’s editor-in-chief, Gordon Young and associate editor, Sonoo Singh. There will also be a fireside chat with Ogilvy UK’s CEO Michael Frohlich to get the lowdown on how he sees the new year playing out for marketers.
Among other things, we will be discussing consumer trust, audience measurement, and how the digital work place will evolve and continue to transform marketer’s lives. We will also be analysing some of the trends that have been backed to blow up in 2020, and examining whether they're just hype or things actually worth paying attention to.
This is an invaluable opportunity to network with fellow marketers and get advice from the Drum’s editorial team so you can hit the New Year with real purpose, and with a spring in your step.
Doors will open at 8.40AM and the event will be hosted at Ogilvy’s UK HQ. You can find more information on the day and register here.