Ideas and inspiration

Creativity and community: insights from The Drum Awards for Design

Design is fundamentally creative - to make forward-thinking, innovative and practical work requires both inspiration and creative labour. Join some experienced judges of The Drum Awards for Design, including 2021's co-chairs, to learn about the impact of diversity on the design discussion and the rise of community-centric values. Plus, get behind-the-scenes insight into their favourite entries from... Read more


Natasha Chetiyawardana

creative partner and co-founder, Bow & Arrow

Sophie Maxwell

futures director global, Pearlfisher

Forest Young

chief creative officer, Wolff Olins

John Mathers

chairperson, British Design Fund

Hiten Bhatt

head of design, RAPP

Gayatri Yadav

chief marketing officer India & SEA, Sequoia Capital


Media and Tech

Harness new platforms and innovations, delivering multichannel experiences to effectively connect with your audience.

Creative Trends

Get ahead of tomorrow's consumer habits, and explore the latest trends in music, design and customer experience shaping today's most successful campaigns.

Process & Production

Streamline the creative process and discover fresh approaches to collaboration. Learn how agencies and brands around the world are redefining what's possible.

Ideas and inspiration

Hear from top-ranked companies and people, and get inspired by the world-leading agencies and brands behind this year's most awarded work.

Creativity. It's the secret sauce that makes the most memorable and effective campaigns. The ingredient that makes great marketing, maximizes media and energizes experiences. This event is not just for creative leaders but for those on the frontline, the next generation of creative talent, and the teams in media and tech that together will shape the big ideas and best campaigns of the future.